With most people having bought processed leather belts from department stores most of their lives they may have never seen an authentic Full Grain leather belt. Much like manufactured furniture, genuine or bonded leather belts are made from leather by-products, and the result is a perfectly formed, although structurally weak, product.
Now, if you take a Full Grain hide and craft a belt out of it there are going to be some of the flaws and imperfections mother nature has left behind. Just like a solid wood piece of furniture has the grain and knots from the living tree it was carved from, a Full Grain leather belt is cut right from the hide and will show these same imperfections of nature!

Just like real wood shown above, full grain leather also shows mother nature's marks.
Insect bites, cuts, scrapes, and bruises the animal acquired during its life will all come on that hide and is the mark of a quality Full Grain leather product.

Natural scars are a sign of the real deal! True Full Grain Leather.